Download Film Hypersomnia (2017) BRRip Subtitle Indonesia
Download Film Hypersomnia (2017) BRRip Subtitle Indonesia | Halo sobat para pecinta film terbaru, pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan sebuah film terbaru yang berjudul Shot Caller (2017). Film ini merupakan film yang wajib ditonton dan trailernya pun sudah banyak sekali di youtube. Seperti apakah kisah film terbaru ini bisa anda lihat pada sinopsis dibawah artikel ini. Dan bagi anda yang tertarik atau ingin nonton film gratis ini silahkan langsung saja anda Download Film Terbaru ini disini secara gratis.

Info Film
Year: 2016
Duration: 90 min.
Country: Argentina
Director: Gabriel Grieco
Screenplay: Gabriel Grieco, Sebastian Rotstein
Music: Diego Hensel
Photography: Rodrigo Pulpeiro
Milena is a young actress who wants to get the role of a play at all costs. Finally, he is chosen to star in a committed work. She is happy but her boyfriend is a little jealous and a little worried. At first everything is normal. But when Milena begins to work on the work, something weird begins to happen to her. Noticing it at first, every time he reads a specific scene of the work he seems to be transported to a house where he is imprisoned along with other girls. There seems to have a past, a present and an uncertain future. As the work he is rehearsing addresses the issue of prostitution, Milena attributes it to stress and is working on the work on that subject. But the comings and turns are repeated and life "on the other side" seems to be very real.
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